Friday, March 25, 2011


When I was a little girl, I loved reading stories about fairies.  I loved looking at the colorful pictures of the fairies in my story book and imaging living in the fairyland of magic. I loved how they were so beautiful, dainty, wings fluttering, magical.  I searched the garden and the woods behind our house but I never found one.  I always wanted to.  I did find something close. No,  it wasn't a butterfly.  I found a beautiful dragonfly.  We had many different colors of dragonflies around my house. Blue, green, purple.  I loved catching them and pretending they were fairies.  A little bit of the fantasy world, even if it was only seconds at a time.  I loved to catch a "fairy" and watch it sit on my finger.  To look at its huge eyes, look at the amazing cellophane wings, and florescent colors.  Listen to the humming sound it made.  To this day, many years later, when I see a fluttering dragonfly, I smile.  A fairy.  You know, I still have that storybook.  The one with the beautiful colors and dramatic illustrations.  I shared it with my children and I hope to be able to share it with my grandson.  Maybe I will be able to take him out and look for fairies, oh I mean dragonflies. 

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